Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Water Lily - DIY

What would you love to do most, in a weather like this, just before the rain falls? Most will prefer to sleeeeeeep!!! Hmmm but I'm really tired of sitting and resting at home. Now that I'm on my feet again, I'd love to spend some time outdoors, GARDENING!!!

Gardening, yes, you heard me alright. Hehehe...we have been planning to get water lilies a while back. And this is what we got from a nearby nursery.

Let me go thru a few simple steps on how it is done - DIY:

First fill the bottom of the pot with garden soil.

Next, bring out the water lily from its existing pot, together with its clay soil. Let it sit on top of the garden soil in the new pot.

Can't escape the dirty work, as I don't have any gloves with me...but I'm loving it actually...the smell of the clay brought back some childhood memories...you know we used to catch fishes in shallow part of lakes with clay beneath...GET DIRTY!!! LOL....

Alright, now pour in the remaining garden soil until the pot is half full.

And finally fill up the pot with water.

This is how it looks like when the pot is finally placed on its stand. Water is a bit cloudy because of the soil. A few more rounds of water changing should make it clearer.

Simple isn't it. Now it's NOT considered done yet. I really dunno whether it will survive or not. Hahahhaa...lets wait till tomorrow. And the final piece of the jigsaw will be FISHES. Hmmmm we plan to add in some sword tail fishes and guppies. But first, lets worry about the water lily...hopefully it's alright...


I had to redo the whole thing just now!!! Jan suggested the idea of 'pot in a pot' concept. Basically it minimizes maintenance.

And so I had to dig out the lily and everything from the big pot. What a mess!!! Arrggghhh...managed to clean it up anyhow. Placed the lily into its original smaller pot. Filled it up with water, and then placed it into the bigger pot. Finally I filled up the big pot with running water. This is how it looks like now.

Have to agree with Jan, this way the water is cleaner and clearer, less soil. Thus it's easy to maintain and fishes are easily visible this way. Well, we haven't gotten the fishes yet. Will blog about it and you'll be able to see the whole new look as soon as we get them. Stay tuned k peeps.


Anonymous said...

must get some fishes, so that they will eat any mosquitos that breed in the water.

Looks nice! How much was it?

Chris said...

big pot = 45
water lily = 16
3 bags of soil = 12
stand = 22
Altogether RM95

I dun need so much of soil, now that I'm applying the 'pot in a pot' concept...wasted...!!

Feliz Familia said...

Hey. Good job. Well done. Do you need to change the water often?

Feliz Familia said...

by the way, I am ah lu...

Chris said...

Lu, thanks for dropping by...just have to make sure that when the sun sets in the evening, the water is not warm...if it is, just add some tap water onto it...kao tim :D

Aiyu: Forgot to add few more items
experience = PRICELESS
satisfaction = PRICELESS