Thursday, October 25, 2007

Weather Worry

What's with the weather these days? It has been raining heavily for the past week, and I especially hate it when I have to wake up on a rainy morning. So 'demoralising'.

Feels like going back to bed whenever it rains. In addition, as a result, I'm always taking longer hot showers, quite reluctant to come out of it, knowing how cold it could be once I turn it off.

Guess I need not elaborate on the traffic in KL whenever it rains. Damn...sometimes I hope my car can fly during traffic childish...

So many cons...nevertheless we still can't live without rain...just wish that it rains in the afternoons, perhaps at night that we can have a good night's sleep, waking up to a bright shining sunlight the next morning....yay....and oh yes, doesn't apply for weekends though....hahahha...

1 comment:

pENguiN~ said...

Tell me about it bro. Imagine I have to wake up at 5.30am / 6am, with rain pouring down; imagine the bed; imagine the nice weather to sleeeeeep. Gosh!!

But i don't mind if it rains when I am sitting in the office. :P