All of us were at his house on Friday night. It's the chinese tradition to hold a makan-makan/minum-minum ceremony at the groom's place on the night before the wedding.
It was a fun-filled evening together with the rest. We caught up with each other over satay and beers. Laughters filled the air for long period throughout that evening. Everyone just seemed to have some jokes to crack.
Slept at 3am and woke up at 7am. Time to attend Jacky's wedding ceremony. We bros were there as 'heng tai'. Jacky asked me to fetch the videographer and I had to zig-zag between the wedding car for him to be able to catch a good footage, from the house to the hotel and back. Dunno why Jacky asked me to fetch them, but I didn't complain, just helped out.
In the afternoon, we went for futsal!!! Can you believe it? I can hardly run, let alone kicking. But I reckoned it will be fun, it's been long since the bunch of us played football together. I joined as the goalkeeper. And you bet I was on the losing side. My fault for not keeping the ball out in numerous simple situations. *SIGH* Gimme another half a year or so, I will be back!!!
Wedding dinner was normal. Best thing was the company that I had. The best bunch of friends since my schooling days. We accompanied Jacky for the table-to-table yum seng. Most of us lost our voice after that. But it was great.
Check out some of the pics I've managed to take. Funny pics include Zac and Myke taking the opportunity to pose for the cameras while waiting for the bride and groom outside the hotel, Fabian 'pretending' to be drunk (or was he really GONE that night?), lying on the stage in the aftermath of some consecutive yumsengs, Damian and Mick on the stage testing the microphone...
wah lau eh, how come you have so much energy one?
z damn funny la. fab a bit high la, but still managed to accompany me to hosp, really appreciate man. eh, those pics u took, burn into a cd and pass to me la. i'll compile and give u guys one copy each.
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