Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Morning Drive

Just as I was driving to work this morning, reluctantly, but at the same time, having fun listening to the radio, I was wondering which radio station you guys normally tune in while driving?

FYI, I'm not Chinese educated, but surprisingly I prefer tuning in to MyFM, be it in the morning, or while driving back home in the evening. They have loads of games for callers and I truly enjoy those. Not to mention the popular Chinese pop songs which I have a thing for.

Lately, I've been tuning in to MixFM for a change. I came across a couple of new English songs which I like alot. That is the reason why I'm tuning in to an English station --> hoping to catch those songs.

Guess what, now I'm addicted to Phua Chu Kang's call-in every morning. Yes, he calls in to MixFM every morning to give his views and thoughts on the topic discussed in the programme 'He Says, She Says' (MIX Breakfast Show with Ika, Serena C and Pietro), in his usual funny and exhilarating manner. Gosh I always find myself bursting into laughers in the car these days. He's really a joker and he really makes my journey to the office early in the morning, a lot more relaxing and enjoyable.

What about you guys?


Anonymous said...

MixFM! It's more like a habit for me to listen to MixFM...

I don't like CHinese station...too much talking ;p


meglittlemeg said...

I listen to 988, MY FM, and MixFM all in a morning drive to work, that's caused I love to shift channels whenever the ads are on, until I've no place to go...

Find 988 quite interesting sometimes (especially when I didn't read the papers, they keep me updated)

PCK was funny too, but sometimes hard to catch what's he talking, out of pitch ;) Hehe...

Chris said...

Aiyu: Wahhhhh loyal listener..!! keep it up...

meg: Hmmmm absolutely the opposite from aiyu...hahaha...i heard in 988 they are very anti-govt now...muahahahha...everyday can hear true is that?

meglittlemeg said...

oh yeayea, they will bombard the politicians, when they say something

They open up the eyes, ears and hearts though.