So off I went and I was accompanied by one of my colleague, Sven, a Belgian, currently working in DHL Singapore, and like me, was posted here for this project. We had a couple of Stellas and had our lunch there as well.
Nice sunny, chilling day here today, probably at 10 degrees celcius or so, and I enjoyed that. And of course, I enjoyed watching Man Utd trashing Derby 4-1 as well. Awesome.
wah...syiok ler u...drinking there very cheap rite?? is not so bad after get to meet a lot people and see a lot places and stuff...send my regards to Sven (though he might not knowing me, duh...)
auw... I think watching games LIVE is the next best thing to having Janice beside you...
hee, when u coming back ha? how long u going to be there? hehee..
i'm going to be based here for 3 months!
came across your blog randomly. and must say i like your stories...simple but clear and i can relate to it.
curious how old are u chris? late twenties? KL chap?
keep up good work...nga choy and beef noodles looked really good.
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